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online family reunion registration form

Easy Step to Create an Online Family Reunion Registration Form

8 min read
Are you looking to organize a family reunion? Well, suppose you are among the folk who have been living far apart from your family. In that case, it might be the time for you to plan out a family reunion that allows you and your cousins or relatives to meet at that single event using an online family reunion registration form.

Now, the family reunion registration forms, if sent traditionally by mail invitations, may have certain drawbacks. Because with an invitation mail, your family members need to fill out all the information given in the family reunion form, and it generally happens that they may end up without filling out the form.

The reason is that they need to mail it back to you, which many of them may miss due to lack of time, or maybe, they might have dropped the idea because they lost the mail elsewhere.

Using online forms simplifies the process

Moreover, you require several things for displaying an online family reunion registration form that your family members and relatives can easily fill with their information along with the other details.

Being said that, you need to choose a user-friendly CMS platform that can let you show an online family reunion registration form. So, if you are a novice person and have zero coding skills or experience, then WordPress can be the most preferred platform.

Additionally, you will need a solid WordPress form builder that offers advanced-level features to create a family reunion registration form that stands out!

Hence, our takes are upon the ARForms - WordPress form builder in today’s post!

First, we will let you know the reason behind creating an online registration form.

Why Create an Online Family Reunion Registration form?

One of the most important things behind creating an online family reunion registration form is to get the information of your relatives and cousins for a reunion.

As a family reunion organizer, you can create an online family reunion registration form first by displaying some information about family members where you need to ask for information such as

  • Full name of Family
  • Members (First Name, Last Name)
  • Email Address
  • Phone Number

It would be even great if you can showcase your online family reunion registration form by placing a Google Map view. That can be pretty cool, right?

Exactly! Because by placing the Google map, your family reunion member is not just able to see the location point, but rather find an easy way to get an exact direction to navigate to the reunion location.

Now, that is just one aspect to look at while you are creating an online reunion registration form.

Meanwhile, on the other hand, it can be pretty much easier to show to guide them with the info where you can ask them to opt.
You can ask the family members by opting for them to pick like

  • The kind of games they would like to play
  • What would they like to bring at a family reunion when it comes to food and beverages?

Further, we will discuss the steps for creating an online family reunion registration form with the use of the ARForms WordPress form builder plugin.

So, let’s jump into it for how it’s done!

Creating an Online Family Reunion Registration form for WordPress using ARForms

Here are the steps that you will need to look upon while creating a registration form.

Step 1: Download and install the ARForms plugin for WordPress

The first and foremost thing that you will require to do is to install the ARForms WordPress form plugin by activating with its license for the premium version.

When you are finished with the installation and activation of the ARForms, next, from your WordPress admin panel, under the ARForms tab, you will be able to see so many tabs with various features and add-ons options provided by ARForms.

Step 2: Creating the Family Reunion Registration Form from Scratch

For you to select the family reunion registration form in the ARForms plugin, you need to follow these guided steps ahead!

So, here we go!

First, you will need to navigate to ARForms> Add New Form tab. When you click on the Add New Form, immediately you will be able to see the pop-up screen with three options Blank Form, Templates, and Sample Forms.

select form template

Now, with the first option of Blank Form selection, you can create an online family reunion registration form from scratch. With the ARForms, you can create and build any WordPress form in just a matter of minutes.

It has a new UI (User Interface) that is specially designed to give you the best experience. Plus, you will love the live preview option so that, whenever you are creating your online family reunion form, you can be able to see your changes from a single screen without navigating elsewhere! Isn’t that amazing?

Step 3: Adding Input Fields and Other Fields

Once you select the Blank Form from the Add New Form, then you need to add input fields and other fields.

This would require some basic HTML skills from your end if you would like to choose the blank form option to create your reunion registration form from scratch.

First off, for creating an online family reunion registration form, you would like to display the reunion date and time along with the reunion address.

For that, you need to select the HTML Field, which you can easily find from the Other Fields> HTML option.

Next, click on the HTML field or drag and drop it into your family reunion registration form area. Have a look at the image below for how to do so!

create registration form

Now, you will require to select the Field Settings that can be found when you hover over the HTML field. That is where you can put the date, time, and address, as well as code for displaying the Google Maps as well.

add fields to form

After you add up the HTML code to display time, date, address, and Google map view, then you will need to ask the family members for options where they can fill in their first name, last name, email address, and phone number.

For displaying a first name and last name, you need to select the Single Line Text that can be found under the Input Fields option.

Now for first name and last name, you may want to show both fields in the same row with 2 different columns (one column for First Name, and the second one for the Last Name).

ARForms WordPress form builder plugin allows you to do so. Let’s have a look at the image below for how to do so!

adding button to form

After you finished adding the first name and last name for the single-line text. Next, you will need to add the Email Address Field and Phone Number fields. You can easily find them both under the Input Fields option.

add email - contact field to form

Next, you want to show the option of the different games that you want your family reunion members to choose by offering them different options.

For that, you would have to select the Checkboxes from the Input Fields option with the mention of game options like Football, Baseball, Kickball, and Volleyball. You can show the images of your favorite games for the checkboxes by enabling the “Use Image over Options” toggle.

adding checkboxes in form

Just as you displayed the different game options, next, you want to ask What would they like to bring to the family reunion? Here, you want them to pick one option among the several food and beverage options (Snacks, Lunch, Drinks, and Dessert).

For that, you need to select the Radio Buttons from the Input Fields option. Just as we did for the checkboxes option above, you can also display custom images in radio buttons with an enable of toggle button “Use Image over Options”.

Radio Buttons in form

At last, you would like to show your family reunion members the comment option where they can easily comment on things they want to convey! To display the comment box, you need to select the Multiline Text option placed under the Input Fields option.

Multi line text field in form

Further, you can add even more options as per the requirements of your online family reunion registration form.

Step 4: Selecting the Family Reunion Registration Form from Sample Forms

If you are worried about the coding stuff to build your online family reunion registration form, then you better not! Alternatively, with the use of predefined sample forms in the ARForms plugin, you get the option to select a family reunion registration form as well.

predefined form templates

You can easily display it on any page, post, or custom post of your website with a simple use of the Shortcodes option in the ARForms.

Final Words

In the end, after going through all the steps above, you can easily create and build an online family reunion registration form either the manual way or by selecting the predefined sample forms of the family reunion registration form.

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If you liked this article, you should also check out our latest blog on Top 3 Tips on How to Incentivize Your Website Visitors to Use the Web Forms
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Brian Denim

Brian is a WordPress expert with a decade of dev experience, a knack for technical writing, a film buff, and an outdoor enthusiast.

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