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Best Student Survey Questions to Ask with Examples

Best Student Survey Questions to Ask with Examples

8 min read
Are you running a school, educational institution, or classes? Are you offering online courses and study materials? Then, you must float a student survey form regularly.  These surveys tell you enough about student expectations, fulfillment, and future goals. It helps you design your course curriculum and bring in changes for the highest student satisfaction.

But what are different types of feedback forms for students? Do you have any suggestions for good questions to ask students? Well, this blog will address all these questions and provide you with a detailed guide on how to create a student survey form.

Importance of Student Survey Questions Forms

Student Survey Forms

  1. Makes the Students Feel Valued: When you get feedback from students, they feel important. They know that their voice matters and they can make a positive change in the environment.
  2. Ensures Student Satisfaction: Once you know what students want, you can restrategize the course or the matters addressed in the form. This will increase student’s trust in your work and spike their satisfaction levels.
  3. Get Innovative Ideas: Students are the powerhouse of new ideas. If you want ideas for the betterment of school or classes, ask the students. They will provide you with the most creative ideas and would feel special to be part of the planning process.
  4. Providing a Democratic Atmosphere: For the students, by the students, of the students is a positive feeling to foster with the help of student feedback forms. When you give others the power to criticize a system, you provide a democratic atmosphere, which is good in the long run.

Types of Student Survey Questions Forms with Question Examples

There are various trending survey topics for students beyond their curriculum and class involvement. Let us look at various types of survey forms you can create and examples of questions to include.

1. Class Atmosphere Survey

Understanding a student’s feelings about their day-to-day class activities and interactions is the most common form that should be used. This form will help you understand the short-term changes that you need to implement to ease the daily lives of students. Here is the school survey questionnaire sample that can be used further.

  • Do you feel focused in your class?
  • Are your friends supportive?
  • Do you get enough opportunities to speak up?
  • Have you faced bullying in your class?
  • Does your class have proper ventilation and air quality?
  • How would you rate the teamwork of your class?
  • Are your class representatives cooperative and helpful?
  • How active is your class in co-curricular activities?
  • Can you raise your opinion or queries in the class?
  • Do you feel engaged in your class? How?
  • What’s the one thing you would implement to elevate your class atmosphere?

2. Facilities and Living Conditions Survey

As a school or a college, you give multiple infrastructural facilities like hostels, mess, sports grounds, advanced labs, gyms, libraries, and a lot more. Now, the facilities might not be used optimally. Many students would not know about certain facilities or not have a proper guidance on how to avail them.

This kind of survey would make the students aware of the resources they have. Further, it will help you evaluate the faculty performance entrusted with the management of a specific facility. Here is a list of questions that can be used in student satisfaction surveys for facilities and living conditions.

  • How would you rate the room conditions?
  • Are the bed and bedding comfortable?
  • Do you get enough storage space for your essentials?
  • Is the food in the mess satisfying?
  • How would you update the mess menu?
  • Does the food satisfy the basic nutritional requirements of protein, fibers, fats, and carbs?
  • Are the washrooms kept clean regularly?
  • Do you get ample water and electricity supply?
  • Can you focus on your studies living on campus?
  • Is the sports arena maintained?
  • Do you get the required sports equipment as per schedule?
  • Is the gym and fitness arena maintained well?
  • Do you get proper guidance in the gym?
  • What additions would you like to have in the fitness arena?
  • What is your experience with library resources?
  • Do you find the right reading resources to aid your studies?
  • What genre would you like to add to the library?
  • Are the labs supporting your curriculum?
  • Is the lab equipment maintained and repaired on time?
  • Are the laboratory facilities advanced?
  • What kind of a lab should the school/college have?
  • What are the difficulties that you face in availing facilities?

3. Mental and Physical Health Survey

Addressing health from a growing age helps students in the long run. This will make them aware of the repercussions of not focusing on their health. Be it mental health or physical health, it builds a strong foundation for a student. As a result, this is reflected in their education and achievements. Include the following questions for an extensive health survey.

  • How would you rate your overall health?
  • What kind of activities and hobbies do you engage in after school?
  • Are you suffering from any chronic health conditions?
  • How active and involved are you in sports and fitness?
  • What percentage of your diet consists of fruits and vegetables?
  • What are your average sleeping hours?
  • Are the healthcare facilities easily accessible to you?
  • What is your average level of anxiety, stress, or overwhelm?
  • How do you deal with stress?
  • Are you stressed because of academics or grades?
  • Do you face body image issues?
  • How often do you compare yourself with others?
  • Are you aware of the mental health facilities on campus?
  • Do you attempt to harm yourself when sad or frustrated?
  • Are you worried about not having a dating life?

4. Course Evaluation

The topic of course evaluation helps you understand the student satisfaction level with the education you provide. It helps evaluate their favorite learning activities to amp up future class participation. Consider including the following questions in such a student feedback form.

  • How was your Experience Overall?
  • Rate this year’s lessons from easiest to hardest
  • What activities helped you learn the most?
  • Are the class discussions engaging and informative?
  • Is school learning making you ready for daily life?
  • What component would you like to add/change for more practical learning?
  • Are the lectures and tests complementing each other?
  • Do you get enough reading resources and media material to access?
  • Are the projects practical and help you gain exposure to new challenges?
  • Is this course meeting your learning expectations?
  • Are you gaining enough skills to monetize them in the future?

5. Faculty Feedback Forms

When you deploy others to take classes and courses, you need to keep a check on their progress as well. What do students think about them? Their knowledge? Their teaching methodologies? Is the teacher able to engage students and teach them correctly? Here is a list of questions that can be a part of faculty feedback forms.

  • How would you rate your teacher on knowledge?
  • Are your faculties able to deliver their knowledge well?
  • Do you get enough support in tough concepts?
  • Does your teacher address your queries personally?
  • What areas is your teacher best at?
  • How would you like your faculty to improve?
  • What are your most favorite and least favorite teaching techniques?
  • Is your teacher punctual and finishes their portion on time?
  • Is the teacher focusing on practical, fundamental concepts?
  • Do you think your teacher is partial towards a specific group or student?
  • How likely are you to pick the same faculty for the same topic again?

Major Considerations While Creating Student Feedback Form

Major Considerations While Creating Student Feedback Form

There are some basic points that you must keep in mind while designing feedback on educational experiences. Students of any age would have strong opinions and can get easily bored. Thus, to get a proper response from them, you must be alert in designing a form.

Simple Questions: The language of the questions should be clear, straightforward, and simple. A student should know what is asked of them. The questions should not confuse them. For instance, instead of asking, ‘What are the loopholes in the educational policy that you would like to be addressed?’ ask ‘Give suggestions for changes in educational policy.’ Get down to their level and ask questions.

Use Various Form Elements: You must think thoroughly while designing a Student Survey Questions Form. You cannot just put a descriptive text box everywhere. You need to use multiple elements like radio buttons and checkboxes, add images to forms, create multi-step forms, get online signatures, etc. This will keep the form interactive and interesting.

Provide Incentives: Think of some student incentives that you can provide for filling up the form completely. Gift cards, coupons, product samples, lucky draws, and other such incentives boost the morale of students. You can even give them extra academic credit for rightfully responding to the form.

Ensure Anonymity: If you are taking a survey on sensitive topics, you must ensure that the form entries are anonymous. The students must be provided with an option to hide their identity and not record it in any manner. Only then they will feel confident enough to share the real issues without the fear of repercussions.

Wrapping Up the Question Samples of Best Feedback Form for Students

Are you ready to try out these questions? These will make your task of thinking very easy. Get inspired from this list and the type of surveys you can implement for students. Create your own form easily with ARForm's free version. Let us know in case of any hiccups along the way. Toodlesss!

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Brian Denim

Brian is a WordPress expert with a decade of dev experience, a knack for technical writing, a film buff, and an outdoor enthusiast.

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